consolidated plan
Action Plan
Amendment to the 2020 Action Plan for the CARES Act - ESG-CV2
The State of South Carolina prepared a second substantial amendment to the 2020 Annual Action Plan for the CARES Act for funding that will be received for ESG under the second round of CARES Act funding, known as ESG-CV2. The State is making the draft substantial amendment and an extract of the sections pertinent to the ESG-CV2 amendment available for public review for 5 days, from September 16 through September 20, 2020.
Note that the Extract document is not the complete Annual Action Plan, which as required is being provided for public review and comment. The Extract is provided only to facilitate review of sections of the larger 2020 Annual Action Plan, as substantially amended in September 2020 for ESG-CV2, that pertain to ESG-CV2. Please click the link to the 2020 Annual Action Plan September 2020 Amendment for the CARES Act for ESG-CV2 for all information required to be submitted in the Annual Action Plan and any substantial amendments. Please also see the substantially amended 2020 Action Plan for information regarding ESG-CV1, HOPWA-CV, and the five regular Con Plan programs (CDBG, HOME, NHTF, ESG and HOPWA).
- September 2020 Substantial Amendment to the 2020 Annual Action Plan for the CARES Act for ESG-CV2
- Extract of 2020 Substantial Amendment to the 2020 Annual Action Plan for the CARES Act for ESG-CV2 (contains an extract of sections pertinent to ESG-CV2)
Program Links:
Amendment to the 2020 Action Plan for the CARES Act - ESG-CV and HOPWA-CV &
Amendment to the State Citizen Participation Plan (May 2020)
The State of South Carolina prepared a substantial amendment to the 2020 Annual Action Plan for the CARES Act for funding that will be received for ESG and HOPWA from HUD. The State also prepared an amendment to the State Citizen Participation Plan (CP Plan), as allowed under the CARES Act. Both were available for public review for 5 days, from May 19 to May 23, 2020. Both have been submitted to HUD and approved.
- 2020 Action Plan CARES Act Amendment for ESG and HOPWA CARES Act Funding (ESG-CV and HOPWA-CV)
- State Citizen Participation Plan - April 2020 Amendment
Program Links:
- ESG - link to SC Department of Administration Office of Economic Opportunity
- HOPWA - link to SC Department of Health & Environmental Control HOPWA Resources Webpage
2020 Action Plan
The State of South Carolina has prepared its 2020 Action Plan, which is necessary for the State to receive 2020 HUD funding for the CDBG, HOME, NHTF, ESG and HOPWA Programs. A public hearing was held on January 23, 2020 to obtain input on the plan and written comments on the plan were accepted from January 6, 2020 through February 4, 2020. Copies of the draft Action Plan and CDBG 2020 Program Description can be downloaded using the links below.
2019 Annual Action Plan
An Annual Action Plan is required by HUD each year of the Consolidated Plan period for the following State Programs to receive 2019 HUD funding: 1) Community Development Block Grant Program administered by the SC Department of Commerce, Grants Administration; 2) HOME Investment Partnerships and National Housing Trust Fund programs administered by the SC State Housing Finance and Development Authority; 3) Emergency Solutions Grants administered by the SC Office of Economic Opportunity; and 4) Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS administered by the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control, STD/HIV Division.
2019 is the fourth year in the current 2016-2020 Consolidated Plan period. The 2019 Plan contains each program’s expected resources, goals for the upcoming Plan year, planned method for distributing funding, as well as information regarding consultation and participation, affordable housing and barriers to affordable housing, homelessness and housing activities pertinent to other special needs, etc. Additional and more detailed program information is contained in program documents available from each administering agency.
Click the links below to download the 2019 Action Plan or the 2019 CDBG Program Description.
CDBG Program Description
The State's CDBG Program Description is required by HUD as part of the Consolidated Plan process. It represents the State's annual plan for distributing CDBG funding, and pertinent sections are summarized in the State's Annual Action Plan.
Go to the CDBG Program Documents page.