about SC CDBG


South Carolina State CDBG Program

The State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is administered by the South Carolina Department of Commerce, Division of Grants Administration. The program addresses a variety of community and economic development needs in areas of the state that do not receive CDBG funds directly from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Those areas, generally the state's larger urban counties and metropolitan areas, are not eligible to receive SC State CDBG funds because their get their own annual appropration from HUD.

State CDBG grants are made to to eligible units of local government, under programs of funding which include competitive community development programs, as well as regional planning and economic development. Funded projects are expected to create measurable results, must help achieve the objectives outlined in the State’s Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development, and must address one of three priority needs:

  • Availability and sustainability of a suitable living environment
  • Availability, affordability and sustainability of decent housing
  • Availability and sustainability of economic opportunity

Programs and Application Guidelines

Programs and funding categories are established at the beginning of each year and are described in the Annual Action Plan, CDBG Program Description and CDBG Application Guidelines. Eligible project types, along with specific requirements for applicants and projects, are included in the Program Description.

SC CDBG-DR Disaster Recovery Program

HUD CDBG-DR Disaster Funding is managed by the SC Disaster Recovery Office (SCDRO). Information on programs can be found on the SCDRO website. Click here.