about SC CDBG


Eligible Applicants

Under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, which governs the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), only units of general local government —towns, cities and counties—are eligible for CDBG funds. Some local governments receive their own annual allocation of CDBG funds directly from HUD (the US Department of Housing and Urban Development). These "entitlement" cities and counties are not eligible to apply for the State CDBG Program. For FY 2018, the following received "entitlement" funding from HUD and were not eligible to apply for State CDBG funds:

  • HUD-designated urban counties of Charleston and Greenville
  • Unincorporated areas of Horry, Lexington, Richland and Spartanburg Counties
  • Cities of Aiken, Anderson, Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head Island, Rock Hill, Spartanburg, Summerville and Sumter.
  • Any municipality in an entitlement county that opted to be included in the urban county designation.

All other municipalities and counties in South Carolina are eligible to apply for the State CDBG Program. Please consult the CDBG Program Description for more information.


Eligible Projects

In order to apply for State CDBG funding, eligible applicants must have projects that meet these eligibility requirements:

  • Meet one of three CDBG National Objectives
  • Involve CDBG Eligible Activities as specified in Section 105(a) of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act
  • Meet the additional eligibility requirements of the State CDBG Program for the various program funding categories

Examples of eligible projects include:

  • Public infrastructure projects such as water, sewer, roads and drainage improvements
  • Public neighborhood facilities such as libraries, workforce centers, fire stations and fire trucks, and public safety related facilities
  • Public improvements such as streets, sidewalks, drainage and infrastructure related to downtown and neighborhood revitalization
  • Clearance and demolition to address obstacles to economic growth, remediate environmental hazards or facilitate neighborhood revitalization
  • Economic development infrastructure and other assistance to local governments needed to create or retain jobs
  • Planning

Specifically eligible project types and funding priorities are provided each year in the CDBG Program Description and CDBG Application Guidelines, which can be found in Program Documents.