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January 18-19, 2021 CDBG Implementation Workshop Webinars


  • Section 3 Final Rule and Davis Bacon Payroll Review (January 18, 2022) - Overview of key changes to the Section 3 requirements associated with the Final Rule at 24 CFR Part 75, for which full compliance began on July 1, 2021, and how to complete and review Davis Bacon payrolls, including wage rates, fringe benefits, correction payrolls, and common mistakes.
  • Section 504 and Language Access Plan (January 18, 2022) - Ensuring equal opportunity and program access to people with disabilities and limited English proficiency as required by federal law, Section 504 program accessibility requirements for non-housing CDBG-funded programs, and actionable guidance on CDBG Grant recipients’ responsibilities to communicate with limited English proficient populations, specifically, how to develop and implement a Language Access Plan. 
  • Uniform Relocation Act – Acquisition Requirements (January 19, 2022) - Uniform Relocation Act acquisition requirements as they apply to South Carolina Department of Commerce recipients who acquire real property for CDBG-funded projects, how to determine whether an acquisition is voluntary or involuntary and walk through of the steps required to complete involuntary acquisition transactions in compliance with federal law.

Recordings of the Workshops:

CDBG Workshops, Presentations and Training Materials